COMMAND: unready
ARGUMENTS: [combat mode] <item(s)>

The "unready" command unreadies equipment that you have readied via the "ready"

The item(s) to unready must be specified; standard special keywords such as
"all" and "ALL" are supported (see "help syntax").  Letter and number
abbreviations as reported by the "eq" command are also supported.  If you use
the item's name followed by a number, only readied items are checked--for
example, "unready sword 2" would unready your second readied sword, not
necessarily the second sword in your inventory.

When unreadying a single item, if no combat mode is specified, the item is
unreadied in whatever mode it's readied in.  If it's readied for both ranged
and melee modes, it's unreadied in melee mode only.  If a combat mode is
specified, the item is unreadied in that combat mode.

When unreadying multiple items, the "unready" command attempts to unready all
items in the melee mode if no mode is specified.  If a mode is specified, all
items are unreadied in that mode.


unready ALL
(unready all items that are readied for melee combat)
unready ranged ALL
(unready all items that are readied for ranged combat)
unready ranged spellbook
(unready your spellbook for ranged combat, melee is unaffected)
unready bow
(unreadies bow for ranged--unless it's also readied for melee (unlikely?))