Whilst recording the lore and legends of Shalafi, I undertook many pleasant journeys through the Southlands. These maps of my travels may be of value to other adventurers wishing to explore this uniquely varied region of the kingdom.

- M.N.G. -

O - Normal room
U - Room which has an exit upward
* - Room where I encountered treasure
! - Room I found of particular interest

PS: The demands of my schedule prevented me from exploring this fine land completely.

     The realm of Shalafi:                       |
                                       *    ___ /O   *     Encampment
                                        \ /      |\ /
                                         |\ ___  |/|   
                                         |      \O |     
                                         |       | |
                                         |  ___ /| |  /| 
                                         |/      | | / |
                          Battlefield    O-------O-O/  |
                                         |       | |   |
                                       *-O-O-----O-*---*   !
                                        \  |     | |   |  /
     Caves                               | |     | |   |
       !-O   O                    _ /   /  |     | |   |
          \ /|                _ /      *   *-----O-O---O
         * O-*            _ /             / \    | |  /
         | |/         _ /                |   O-*-O-O-O---O
         O-O      _ /                    |   | | | | |
           |    /                        |   O-!-*-O-*
           O-*-O                        /   /    |
           | | |                       O---*     O         (Great
         * *-O-O                      /          |            Underground
         |\| | |    Forest           *           *               Empire??)
         O O-!-O                                 |        
         | | | |                Fortress         O
       *-O *-O-*                                /
          \|    \                    *-U-*-U   O 
 Barrows   O      \                 /| | | |  /
                    \              *-*-*-O-*-*           
                      \             \| | | |
                        \            *-O-O-! 
                          \            | | |
                            \          *-U-O
                              \          + 
                                \    *-O-U-O-O
                                  \  | | | | |              Bog...
       Harbor                       \*-O-*-O-*-O-O-O
          Domain                     | | | | |
                     ENTRANCE        O-O-O-O-*    Fields
                              \     /  | | |
                               *-O-O   * * *