CLASS | Barbarian |
Barbarians are burly tribal warriors hailing from the harshest regions of Genocide. As a result of their rough and rather primitive living conditions, they have acquired an immense strength and fortitude, while lacking agility and sophistication. The barbarian knows next to nothing of the ways of magic, and might have problems utilizing the more arcane artifacts of Genocide.
Strength | Dexterity | Accuracy | Constitution | Intelligence | |
+7 | -13 | none | +4 | -12 |
Bloodvengeance: the primitive barbarian lives by the golden rule of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". Suffice it to say, a barbarian will not treat lightly those who slay his tribesmen--he gains damage bonuses against these sworn enemies (+3-8 base damage per ally that the enemy has slain, up to three).
Cleave: if a barbarian kills one or more players in a given combat round, he immediately gets another free combat round (but only up to one free round per real combat round). If the barbarian is using his "swing" ability (see below), the swing will apply to the free combat round.
Magic item ineptitude: a barbarian will often have problems using magic items correctly.
No fear: the dimwitted barbarian, used to fighting for survival, is unacquainted with the concept of fear.
State of frenzy
Command: frenzy
Stamina: 50%
Desperate times call for desperate measures, and by working himself into a state of frenzy, the barbarian will lash out even more ferociously than usual (+20 dex, +8 con, -10 int). Unfortunately, this state has additional side-effects: the barbarian will not feel physical pain and therefore not care to heal his health, nor will he be able to distinguish friend from foe. The effects of a frenzy last 10-20 seconds, and a barbarian must rest for a few minutes before considering entering another frenzy.
Command: swing
Stamina: 10%
Taking a firm grip of a two-handed weapon, the barbarian can swing it about in a devastating arc around the room, wreaking havoc upon a crowd (friend and foe). In addition to hitting all players present, the barbarian gets bonus damage when he is swinging; however, the weapon loses some of its momentum on its journey, so the first victims struck will take the most bonus damage.